I love fitness, being healthy and all the energy that comes along with it but there is more to life...
We are constantly busy. Filling our days with huge to do list that we will most likely not finish. At the end of the day we are filled with disappointment in our selves for lacking the ability to be super mom. This is not how we should live.
It's time to live a simpler life. This will in-fact, reduce stress levels, and increase the overall healthy fulfilling life. How?
1. Prioritize your day.
While you are drinking your morning coffee or tea, focus on personal development. Read the Bible (or App) or a personal development Book, listen to a positive Podcast or Audio book. This will help put your mind in the right place for the day.
2. Make your List
Make a list of the most important task and your schedule of things that have to be done. Remember, this can change through out the day due to the chaos in out homes. This list is more of a guideline.
Be sure to add your workout and planned nutrition to this list.
These two points are very important in starting your day with the right mind frame.
Over the years I've found that my most productive days are the ones that I start out with Personal Development & Devotional time with God. Mindset is Key to a Happy Life Regardless of what's going on in it.
The Theory behind this "Simpler Life" isn't to do nothing... It's to do less with a positive mindset and enjoy the journey. Take time to enjoy the little things. Truth is we all make time to do things that we what to do right? What's important to us we will always find the time to do. Whether is it exercise, playing with the kids, reading a book, going shopping... the list goes on.
I often hear people say, "I wish I had time to workout.", "I just can't stay motivated."
"I want to have more energy.", "I'm always tired.", "I want to be Heathy but I'm just too busy." "it's too expensive to eat health." Chances are, you've said this at least once before. We all have.

I want to help you break this cycle. I've been there. I know how hard it is to manage a busy schedule. Finding time to work a full time job, chauffeur the kids around, prepare meals, clean/laundry & still find quality time with your family, let alone finding time to fit a workout in. I get it! Life is full and we have to make time for the important things in life.
How Important is your Health to you?
My Most Important list goes like this...
1. God
2. Husband
3. Children
4. Family
5. Health & Nutrition & Well-being
6. Enjoying the little things in life
7. Laugh
8. Mindset
9. Travel
10. Helping People/ spreading joy
Of course, These are not the only things that I care about, because that list will go on and on. But, they are the most important.
Having a clear perspective on what you want out of life is the first step to creating a simpler life.
I want to help you achieve your goals. I am a hands on person. So when you choose me to be your Coach you will hear from me Frequently. Accountability is very important for success & reaching your goals. It stretches you outside of your comfort zone.