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About Me

I was born in Statesboro Ga, and resided in the small town of Claxton Ga (the home of the Claxton Fruit Cake) with my Parents. I was raised by my Grandparents (my mom's parents). My Mom had 6 of us and it was quite crowded. I didn't live with my mom due to unforeseen circumstances but I did get to see my mom and siblings very frequently. My mom played a role more like my sister.  So every time I did something wrong, mom would tell grandma about it and grandma would do the punishing. I learned real quick what I should keep to myself.  

I enjoyed living with my grandparents, mostly because I had my own room and quiet time to myself.  I am an introvert so being by myself was just fine by me.  My grandparents taught me a lot and I was raised on that strict old fashion southern 

discipline where your are so respectful of your parents that you are down right scared to make a wrong move. I wouldn't dare raise my voice or have an attitude. Back then you did what you were told or else.

We moved around several times until we landed in Charlotte, NC where my Life truly began. I was teen by then. Young and so ready to grow up and be on my own. Man was I stupid. Looking back on those days... I had  it easy. Just some chores and school. The simplest life ever! 

At 17 I met my husband. His brother lived across the street from us and he was visiting... lucky for me! I'll never forget the first time we met. He rode his bike to the  cul-de-sac where I just so happened to be checking my mail. He straddled his bike with his arms folded over the handle bars and said, "Hey Girl, Whats your name?" I replied  embarrassedly, "Becky" and quickly walked down my walk way back into the house before Granddaddy noticed. 

I laugh at the thought. Keep in mind... I'm an introvert. (or at least I was back then)

Flash Forward, Now we are married and have two beautiful children, 4 dogs and a parrot. I'd like to say... and they all lived Happily ever after But thats only in fairy tales. Are we Happy? Heck yea! We live a Blessed Life. But is doesn't come easy. We have good days and bad days just like anyone else.  Over the course of our lives we've had many trials and tribulations that we have over come from struggles with fertility, broken relationships, marriage issues, children with behavior issues to things as minor as time management. At the end of the day we got through all of it and are stronger from it.  I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing.  Every thing we have been through has made us into the people we are today. 

I believe God allows us to endure heartache and pain because 

1. he wants us to reach out to him for help 2. once he gets us through it he can use what we went through to help someone else.

How can we help others or relate to them if we truly have no clue how it feels to be in their shoes? 

If you are going thru something right now just remember that God can bring good from it if you trust in him. 

With all the daily struggles and  the occasional heartbreaks or set backs I found comfort in becoming a better version of myself. Meaning, I started doing exercise. When I first started on my fitness journey it was because I felt ugly and incapable of being a desirable woman. So basically I wasn't doing it for myself. As time went by I started feeling more confident and I have the added benefits of better health and energy. 

Then I added in Personal development. This was a game changer. Not only was I looking and feeling better but my mindset had changed. I was no longer doing this for someone else, I was doing this for Me. 

To me, the importance of fitting a healthy life style into my busy schedule is crucial

The Benefits are worth the sacrifice of 30 minutes to an hour a day of personal development and exercise.  We have 24 hours in a day.  Our health is worth 1 hour a day. 

My personal Journey though lifes hurtles has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to help others do the same. God allowed me to go through it to help You!

If you are still reading this... You are meant to be here.  

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